The company confirms its commitment in promoting economic development, social wellness and proper nutrition in the communities where it operates.
LACTHOSA launched its first sustainability report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Honduras 2030 Agenda. The supervision and verification process of the document was done by the Honduran Foundation on Corporate Social Responsibility (FUNDAHRSE).
LACTHOSA is part of a private Holding that has over 75 years of operating in Honduras. Among its most recognized brands are SULA and CETECO, that are sold internationally in Central America, the Caribbean and the USA. LACTHOSA´s key products: milk, its derivates, juices and beverages stem from natural raw materials, and therefore the backbone of the company´s sustainability strategy has been the promotion and care of the individuals who make up the value chain; which creates real economic development to the 4,000 agricultural suppliers (milk and citrus) and the 3,500 direct employees that work with the company and who have the daily commitment to bring high quality products to millions of people.
Through this sustainability report, LACTHOSA presents relevant information from the 2016-2017 period, its sustainable business model now aligned to the company’s purpose and understanding that corporate and sustainability are compatible and reach beyond what can be achieved only by charity or philanthropy. Through the results of promoting healthy agricultural practices for milk collection, focus on children nutrition and protection of the environment, LACTHOSA has achieved national and international recognitions, results which are now transparently exposed in the Report.
In the social dimension, LACTHOSA reached 104 social projects and benefitted 42,769 people, a steady programme of providing almost million glasses of milk to feeding programs, built 3 School Cafeterias and supported 19 Schools. The Sustainability Report also has a chapter dedicated to the Chito and Nena Kafie Foundation and the projects oriented on rescuing social and moral values, construction of churches, children’s nutrition through school feeding programs, and environment protection with building reefs to promote healthy marine ecosystems and boost fishing activities in the Gulf of Fonseca.
LACTHOSA´s CSR Mission is to promote economic development, social wellness and proper nutrition in the communities where it operates, with a Vision to nourish all aspects of our lives. Nourish the environment since it provides our raw materials, nourish our bodies, nourish our bodies through healthy products and nourish the mind with a healthy lifestyle.
For the past 10 years, LACTHOSA has had the following achievements:
- Social Investment of $3,406,207
- 1,926,543 glasses of milk for School Feeding Programs
- 252,783 Food plates
- 684 Scholarships
- 5,000 mammograms
- 1,968 school desks
- 10 National Awards on CSR by FUNDAHRSE
- 1 International award by CEMEFI
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